Major psychologists’ group warns of social media’s potential harm to kids
NPRFor the first time, the American Psychological Association has issued recommendations for guiding teenager’s use of social media.
NPRFor the first time, the American Psychological Association has issued recommendations for guiding teenager’s use of social media.
CNN HealthThe American Psychological Association is calling for teens to undergo training before they enter the sometimes fun but sometimes fraught world of social media.
NBC News The American Psychological Association released 10 recommendations for adolescents’ use of social media.
APA.orgAPA’s chief science officer, Mitch Prinstein, PhD, provides several recommendations on how to help teens develop social media literacy skills
APA.orgPsychological scientists examine potential beneficial and harmful effects of social mediaa use on adolescents’ social, educational, psychological, and neurological development.
NBC NewsThe American Psychological Association released 10 recommendations for adolescents’ use of social media.