Adolescent using smartphone alone

During the COVID-19 lockdown, adolescents felt more socially connected after online interactions with peers

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, teens felt more socially connected after interacting with peers online. Image credit: Kathy Bugajsky By Ria Sharma During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and school closures drastically limited adolescents’ in-person social interactions but did not curtail their ability to communicate through texting, calling, and social media. A Winston National Center study…

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Person sleeping next to their phone

Overnight smartphone use can disrupt adolescent sleep

Checking smartphones when waking up overnight keeps teens awake longer. Image credit: Polina Kovaleva By Christian Scott Sleep is essential for healthy adolescent development. However, many adolescents struggle to get the high quality, adequate sleep that they need to thrive. The ever-increasing use of cell phones and other technology, particularly right before bedtime, is a…

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