Does your teen check their social media every hour? it could impact their brain: study
Euroweb (CNN) Frequent use of social media could be reshaping how adolescents’ brains develop, a new study found.
Euroweb (CNN) Frequent use of social media could be reshaping how adolescents’ brains develop, a new study found.
UPI Young teens who check Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat frequently throughout the day could be changing the way their brains develop, according to a new study.
The Hill Data showed an association between social media use and changes in brain development, though researchers were unable to determine the underlying cause of the changes.
Yahoo News Frequent habitual checking of social media by adolescents is linked to brain development changes as they grow, a new study warned.
Independent (London) Frequent habitual checking of social media by adolescents is linked to brain development changes as they grow, a new study warned.
FOX News New research presented by neuroscientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found young adolescents who habitually checked social media showed a distinct neurodevelopmental trajectory within the brain.
WTVD (Durham, NC) Researchers at the University of North Carolina released the results of one of the first ever long-term studies on child brain development and technology use.
FOX 8 Social media might be making children more sensitive to criticism, say researchers from the University of North Carolina.
CNN Frequent use of social media could be reshaping how adolescents’ brains develop, a new study found.